Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cats I Know

As an artist I mainly paint landscapes, but occasionally I liike different subject matter. They say you should paint what you love and since I live with 4 cats I often love sketching or painting them. they are great quick pose models as they never stay still for long unless asleep.

This is Ruffie, he lives in my neighbourhood. He comes and visits our cats and he knows that sometimes he'll get a few cat treats. He's quite a rugged male and I think our young girl cat nibs is quite taken by him, but he could never be tied down.

Here's another painting of Ruffie, he's just absorbing a nice summer day.

Here is a quick monochromatic painting of Nibs at a more tender age. She really has big eyes that are very cute and unfortunately I don't think I captured them.

I think one trick to painting cats (or any animals for that matter) is not to see them as just a cat, but as a unique individual with a special personality. Paint them just as you would do a portrait of a human being.

This is a small watercolor sketch of Nibs, actually her real name is Niblette. I think she was named Niblette because when she was a kitten she would give little love bites.

The cat in this watercolor is Merlyna, she's our older female cat. Very shy and retiring, but she does have a regal manner about her.

I have done other paintings of our cats but for now, I'll leave you with 2 fantasy cat paintings of mine:

This is Lou C. Fur, I guess he might be sort of a bad cat, if there could be such a thing.

This Susan B. Cathony, leader of the Suffracats.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Late Winter Newsletter


William Worcester Fine Art

Late Winter Art Happenings 

Hello to my Friends and  Collectors

This is the first edition of my on line newsletter, which I am hoping will be informative to you concerning the various art events and happenings which
I am involved in. Also, I will be sharing paintings that are brand new or
still wet and on the easel. I intend to improve the look of this newsletter
over time so please be patient as it is, like my paintings a "work-in-
Well, the first bit of news is my One-Man exhibition at Fermi Lab Art
Gallery ended last Monday. The show had great attendence numbers
and a demo I did landed me a faculty position with "The Fine Line
Creative Center" in St. Charles, Illinois. I had a great time attending
a concert by the great classical guitarist Fareed Haque which was
held in the gallery while my paintings were on view. There was also
a nice article based on an interview I did which was published in the
Fermi Lab newsletter, and on their website. I want to thank Georgia
Schwender the gallery director for all the work she did making the
exhibition such a success.

The above pictures are of the painting demo. Some of the audience
were some of the top art students from Geneva High School and
they kept me on my toes with their really sharp questions.         

Upcoming News

As mentioned I have joined The Fine Line as an oil painting instructor.
I am looking forward to "passing it on". I hope I can benefit the students
that sign up for my class so they can learn the basics of painting and
use them to have either an enjoyable past time or possibly a career
as a fine artist. If you are interested in the classes you can contact me
or the Fine Line and I will make sure you get the materials you need
to register. The classes will not be until summer as the Winter/Spring
catalog and schedule were already in place.

There will also be a faculty art exhibition "Diverse Statements II"
running from February 25 thru April 9, 2011 at the Fine Line. It
should be an interesting and diverse show.

Recent Painting

Twilight Calm
 12" x 16"
Oil on Canvas
This little duck swimming so zen-like exudes the peace we all
wish to have in our daily lives. there is something so magical
about the twilight hours that I love trying to capture that feeling
in my paintings.

Thanks again for your support, and if you wish to contact me
here is my contact info:

email: wfw51@yahoo.com
phone 847-977-2951