"June Farm" is of a farm about 4 miles from my home. The barn is abandoned. This was painted entirely in oils with the palette knife on a high-grade birch panel. It is 17 x 24 inches in size.
"Lilies at St. James Farm" is an 11 x 14 oil on canvas that I painted in plein air last Friday, June 24th. I am really enjoying painting in the great outdoors and it is the best studio an artist could have. I was serenaded by booming bullfrogs while painting this and I provided a multi course meal for some of the bugs that bit me while painting. You can't capture that ambiance in the studio.
This is a little 5" x 7" oil on canvas quick study of the intersection of Fabyan and Route 25 in Geneva, Illinois.
This is a 10" x 20" all palette knife, oil on linen painting that I haven't titled yet. I am open to suggestions as to the title.
This is "Spring Waterfall" It's a 14" x 11" oil on canvas. This one got a "Like" on Facebook by Stephen Doherty, the former editor of American Artist magazine and current editor of Plein air magazine, so I am quite proud of it.
Well, gotta go for now, I hope you enjoy these paintings, thanks for checking out my blog.