Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Imaginary Lands and Semi-Abstraction

Lately I have been exploring semi-abstraction in my landscape paintings and also the use of the imagination. Instead of being tied down by factual reality and the details of an actual landscape I have been "inventing" or creating landscapes from my mind. I want the viewer to fill in the details and complete the picture in their mind. I am looking for an ethearal quality that creates a sense of mystery and transmutes reality into a more transcendent realm.

One of my favorite artists is George Inness. Inness was a follower of Emanuel Swedenborg's teachings. Swedenborg thought that this world was but a shadow of the real world, and Inness tried to capture that concept in his later paintings. Even though I don't subscribe to the "unreality" of the physical world, I do like the idea of painting what is a reflection of the material world as captured by the imagination.

The painting shown here is "Light Transcending". It is a 12" x 12" oil on panel that incorporates an imaginary landscape with some semi-abstraction. Hopefully, It echoes George Inness' work in creating a sense of mystery and imparting a sense of calm to the viewer.

To view the my original fine art oil paintings click on:

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To see originals of my paintings at an actual gallery, please visit: